Banking and Shadow Banking
Words… what do they really mean? What is banking? What does a bank do, or what is it that a bank is supposed to do? I’m 53 and in my lifetime, I’ve witnessed a complete change in the banking system in the U.S.
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Words… what do they really mean? What is banking? What does a bank do, or what is it that a bank is supposed to do? I’m 53 and in my lifetime, I’ve witnessed a complete change in the banking system in the U.S.
On August 7, President Obama suggested that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should go out of business, as he called for “a return of private capital, [to] put the risk and rewards associated with mortgage lending in the hands of private actors, not the taxpayers.”
We are all familiar with Porgy and Bess classic Summertime line, “When the fish are jumpin’…” that can bring back memories of the Old South or at least remind us of an era gone by. As summer ambles, with too many back to school television advertisements already, I wonder where the time has gone.
On Thursday, June 27th, LANDCO sent a small delegation to the National Real Estate Investor’s Commercial Real Estate/High Net Worth Investment Conference in New York City. Read the key “takeaway” points, from our point of view.
The CRE Financial Council’s Distress Debt Summit, held in Santa Monica on May 9th and 10th, was well worth attending. What follows are a few conference topics and what we felt were views sharing significant consensus or opposition. We hope you will find this as interesting as we did.
In this Situation Analysis, LANDCO Principal David Rosenbaum examines how, in the tree of knowledge, economics does not branch from mathematics, but from politics and why we can be too easily dazzled by the numbers.
Fishing is a sportsman’s experience that brings many benefits even if the catching is minimal or altogether non-existant. A successful fishing trip can be sighting a rare species of wildlife or a day spent with a 10-year-old son. Capital raising, unlike fishing, does not bring collateral benefits and is generally considered a failure without funding. It can be a very expensive and discouraging experience. The benefit of capital raising is only one-funding.
In this analysis, LANDCO Principal David Rosenbaum examines a question recently put forth by Marc Andreesen and the implications for LANDCO: What if e-commerce reduces in-store sales, even by just a little bit? And what happens if the loss of volume is not just temporary, but structural?
Square peg for a square hole, couldn’t be a more applicable metaphor for today’s real estate business. Businesses are quickly
In this analysis, LANDCO Principal David Rosenbaum examines the role of austerity in our current economic climate.
China, for all of its wealth creation, continues to seek US investment alternatives. On our recent visit, manufacturers, business people,